3rd Wednesday of the month,
7.30pm, in the Parish Hall.
Primetime was set up in January 2016 with the intention of encouraging ladies to get together once a month for fun, friendship and support. Since then we’ve learned about all sorts of things including cruising, quilting, online safety, finance, soap making, life as a nanny in Saudi, the RSPCA, Knitted Knockers, shoeboxes, the cafes on the beach and each other! We’ve had a go at festive foliage, card and calendar making, yoga, enjoyed food and tea tasting, meals out, a theatre trip, summer coffee and cake evenings under the stars and a ‘show and tell’ evening. Each May we have donned the gardening gloves and wielded the trowels to plant containers for outside the Church and Bier House.

We do something different each month, but whatever we do we have a good time.
Monthly attendance is not compulsory – numbers have varied from 9 to 26. We generally meet on the third Wednesday of the month in the Old School Room, Parish Hall, Paradise Lane at 7.30pm, but it’s always a good idea to check dates as occasionally we do change them.
We promote the group in the magazine, bulletin and email newsletter and remind the existing group by sending an email out each month.
We are always happy to welcome any ladies wanting to come along for the first time. Come and join us, we’re a friendly bunch and we’d love to see you!
For further information contact us