St Peter's Church, Formby

About Us

We combine the traditional, the new, and have a congregation of all ages. Our church buildings are the focus of worship and activity.

Church work extends across the parish be it in pastoral care, outreach to young and old, delivering services in homes, or simply enjoying each other’s company.

We have services each Sunday and Wednesday and one of the traditions we enjoy is the provision of choral music at many services. The church itself is in the centre of the parish and welcomes all.

Our Team

Revd Canon Anne Taylor: Vicar of St Peter’s since 2014 and Area Dean of Sefton North since 2016.

Revd Lilly Nelson: Curate from June 2024.

Director of Music:
David Holroyd

Gill Holroyd and Sarah Gorman

Parish Administrator:
Caroline Speakman

Our Community

Our parish has close ties with Trinity St. Peter’s primary school. We have clubs for children, scouts, guides and brownies, and a thriving Mother’s Union which reaches out in friendship to many people, men and women.

When you come to one of our services for the first time please feel free to introduce yourself to a sidesperson because would love to meet you!


Every person connected with our community should be properly looked after and protected. We have adopted the procedures and guidelines of the Church of England nationally.
Click here to find out more about safeguarding in the Church of England.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is:
Dave Johnson 07751 056726 .
Click here for information about safeguarding locally relating to concerns or issues about a safeguarding matter.

Key Policy Documents

Privacy Notice
Safeguarding Policy 2024
Domestic Abuse Statement 2024
Website Terms & Conditions