8.30am Sunday: Eucharist. A reflective, spoken liturgy following the Book of Common Prayer and Common Worship on alternate weeks.
10am Sunday: Parish Eucharist. A choral service for all the family.
6.30pm Sunday: Choral Evensong. A contemplative occasion enhanced by a strong choral tradition.
11am Wednesday: Eucharist. A well-attended service followed by refreshments in the Bier House.
Click here for services this week.
Monthly: Service of Wholeness. Including prayer and anointing for those who are ill or struggling with life.
Monthly: WOW (Worship on Wednesdays)
A sociable event for young children.
This service is in Church for young children and their parents, grandparents or carers, followed by drinks and biscuits in the Bier House. It’s an opportunity to get to know each other and finishes in time to collect older children from school.
Usually the first Wednesday of the Month: 2.00pm in Church
Monthly: Haribo Service. A short informal event for children and young people with an interactive talk and songs, followed by snacks.
Usually the last Sunday of the month: 12 noon in Church