8.30am Sunday: Eucharist. A reflective, spoken liturgy following the Book of Common Prayer and Common Worship on alternate weeks.

10am Sunday: Parish Eucharist. A choral service for all the family.

6.30pm Sunday: Choral Evensong. A contemplative occasion enhanced by a strong choral tradition.

11am Wednesday: Eucharist. A well-attended service followed by refreshments in the Bier House.
Click here for services this week.

Monthly: Service of Wholeness. Including prayer and anointing for those who are ill or struggling with life.

Monthly: WOW (Worship on Wednesdays)
A sociable event for young children.
This service is in Church for young children and their parents, grandparents or carers, followed by drinks and biscuits in the Bier House. It’s an opportunity to get to know each other and finishes in time to collect older children from school.
Usually the first Wednesday of the Month: 2.00pm in Church

Monthly: Hotdog Service. A short informal event for children and young people with an interactive talk and songs, followed by snacks.
Usually the last Sunday of the month: 12 noon in Church

We have an open baptism policy. Baptism is a gift from God, freely given to everybody, be they deeply committed or unsure in faith.
Click here to arrange a baptism.
We offer the sacrament of Baptism to those who live in the parish and to those who have a qualifying connection with St Peter’s.
Baptisms take place during the 10am Parish Eucharist or at a 12 noon service on a Sunday.
Parents are visited by the Vicar beforehand to discuss details of baptism and to arrange a date.
Anniversary cards are sent each year after the baptism until a child starts school.

A wedding is one of life’s great moments, a time of solemn commitment as well as good wishes, feasting and joy.
Click here to arrange a wedding.
We welcome couples to marry in our church who have a qualifying connection (a link with our parish):
• one of you was baptised or prepared for confirmation in our parish;
• one of you has lived in our parish for six months or more;
• one of you has regularly attended public worship in our parish for six months or more;
• one of your parents has lived in the parish for six months or more in your lifetime;
• one of your parents has regularly attended public worship here for six months or more during your lifetime;
• your parents or grandparents were married in the parish.

Click here for information about Church of England weddings.

Click here for our video for wedding couples.
A funeral marks the close of a human life on earth. It is the opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to give thanks for the life which has now completed its journey in this world and to commend the person into God’s keeping.
In the sad event of the death of someone who is close to you, it is usually the case that you should make your first contact with a local funeral director who will guide you through everything that needs to be done, including liaising with the church to arrange the date and time of the service.
Many families often find themselves ‘being brave’ for one another, though sometimes it can mean that those who feel the loss of a loved-one the most have no-one with whom they feel they can speak openly and honestly about how they feel.
That can be especially difficult when you don’t feel as strong on the inside as you would like or seem to your closest friends and family.
So we’re here for as long as you feel you need support.
There are also a number of charities and services that offer bereavement care and advice:
Cruse Bereavement Care
Bereavement UK
Child Bereavement UK
Child Death Helpline
Grief Encounter
Care for the Family
Livestream & Catch-up
Parish Eucharist Live: 10am every Sunday.
Choral Evensong Live: 6.30pm every Sunday.
Catch-up: any time via YouTube.
Click here for services streamed by arrangement, such as weddings and funerals.
Service booklets and the bulletin are posted on our website home page. Parishioners who would like a hymn book for use at home should contact the Parish Office.
We have 5 fixed cameras in Church:
– general wide shot
– lectern, and the vicar’s stall
– pulpit
– altar
– congregration
Vision-mixing and transmission are done using Blackmagic ATEM software.