St Peter's Church, Formby


Music is an important expression of delight and devotional feeling within the worship at St Peters, where, along with most of Christendom, we also sing the words of our faith.


The English Hymnal and Hymns Ancient & Modern New Standard form the staple diet of our sung prayer and praise, alongside Plainsong, Taize chant, Worship Songs and those popular hymns from the past we affectionately call ‘Golden Oldies’.

The congregation sing the liturgy at the Parish Eucharist, and Choral Evensong is a happy mix of music for all.

Instrumentalists from our church family and friends enliven major festivals, and the informal Christmas Orchestra is a feature at our annual Festival of Lessons & Carols.

Click here to see the video of the live-stream of our Memorial Eucharist on All Saints’ Day 2021, 31st October.