St Peter's Church, Formby


Click here to Donate Now to St Peter’s Church and to our mission. This allows a secure donation via debit or credit card.

Click here for our Stewardship Brochure, which details how our congregation sustains St. Peter’s though donations.

Click here for the Parish Giving Scheme brochure to find out how the scheme works. This scheme makes it easy for donations to be made regularly to St Peter’s.

UK tax payers are able to automatically claim the basic rate of tax, which then increases the amount received by the church at no extra cost to the contributor.

Regular contributions help us better to manage parish finances.
Click here to set up a regular contribution.
Click here to amend a contribution.

Click here to email our Stewardship Secretaries for help, and to find out more about how to participate.

Giving sustains:
Our Church building; a sacred place dedicated to worship, prayer and witness.
Parish Clergy; across the Diocese of Liverpool, including training of new clergy.
Parish Ministry; measured by every ill person visited, every confirmation course run, every assembly taken, every bereaved family comforted, every baptism celebrated, every sermon preached, Eucharist celebrated and person shown the love of Christ through our care, comfort and compassion.
Mission; in the Diocese of Liverpool and overseas, for people we may never meet but to whom we are able to give practical support through our ministry of giving.

Encouraging Legacy Giving
In 2018 over 120,000 bequests were made in wills, in a market worth £3billion a year. Yet, despite Christians having a very committed attitude to giving during their lifetime, this doesn’t translate to our legacy and will giving.
Click here to see how legacies make a lasting difference.

Charitable Giving by St Peter’s locally
CAB Sefton
Samaritans Southport
Sefton Children’s Trust
Dove Trust
Sefton Women and Children’s Aid
Friends of St Joseph’s (Adult Services)
Southport Alzheimer Society
Sefton Cancer Support Group
Rainbow House
Southport Salvation Army
Sefton Advocacy
Southport Food Bank
Mecycle (Autism initiatives) – Ainsdale
Southport Offshore Rescue Trust
Dogs for the Disabled

Charitable Giving by St Peter’s overseas
Christian Aid
Leprosy Mission
Us  (was USPG)
Sreepur Village – Bangladesh
Hope Africa
Smile Train
Special donation to Nepalese disaster fund